By Chrisopher Vasey
Trade paperback book
ISBN 9781594774898
170 pages, 5.50 x 8.00″
Accumulation of toxins can be a primary cause of illness. The key to successful detoxification is identifying the type of toxin–either colloidal or crystalline– that is polluting your biological terrain. Vasey explains how colloidal toxins hinder circulation and organ function, while crystals damage tissues and cause lesions and pain. Unchecked, these toxins can accumulate as calcifications that cause vessels to lose elasticity and become brittle, or as stones in the gallbladder or kidney.
Beyond finding the cause of an illness, a correct diagnosis of your type of toxin will ensure you choose an optimally effective method of detoxification that stimulates the appropriate excretory organ–liver, intestines, kidney, lung, or skin. For example, to purge the system of crystals, increasing fluid intake is desirable rather than promoting bile production, because crystals cannot be expelled via the liver.
Clear, practical instructions explain how to identify the type of toxin triggering your illness and the medicinal herbs, hydrotherapy techniques, or nutritional options that are the best choice for a specific condition or combination of ailments. This targeted method of detoxification enables our bodies to cleanse accumulated toxins safely and efficiently.
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