By Ged Sumner & Steve Haines
Trade paperback book
ISBN 9781848190283
320 pages, 7.00 x 10.00″
The most important components of a biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy include the development of a state of presence, establishing a clear and negotiated relational field, orienting to primary respiration of therapist and client, and establishing the perceptual skills needed to orient what is called the inherent treatment plan and to be able to track its unfoldment with appropriate clinical skills. This is an intensely practical book directly relevant to clinical experience as a bodyworker. The first five chapters debate boundaries, perception, working safely with trauma, birth and how stories are held in the body. The final chapter on practice developments covers issues pertinent to establishing a successful practice. The biodynamic craniosacral approach offers something profound and inspiring a while way of meeting the world and living life that is sensitive and connected. Fundamental are the breath of life and its expressions, the patterns of experience that shape the body, resources for overwhelm, being in a relational field, being in stillness, embryology, birth and ignition processes. Experiential awareness exercises provide explorations of anatomy and biodynamic health expressions.
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