Gemmotherapy: the Science of Healing with Plant Stem Cells


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By Roger Halfon
Trade paperback book
ISBN 9781594773419
120 pages, 6.00 x 9.00″

Buds and shoots are the peak of energetic activity in the annual cycle of trees and shrubs. Gemmotherapy administers such living plant embryonic matter to effect deep drainage of toxic elements from the body and to regulate the function of distressed organs through the nervous system and the reticuloendothelial system (RES). The high concentration of growth factors in these embryonic plant tissues makes it possible for the body to recover its natural ability to cleanse and to optimally fulfill its physiological functions. The fresh buds or young plant shoot tissues, are gathered, chopped, and left to macerate in a mixture of water, glycerin, and alcohol. After steeping for three weeks, the active qualities become fully released and the mixture is pressed and filtered. It is then diluted and homeopathically dynamized for oral or topical application. There are 34 common gemmotherapy preparations described in this book. They are presented as a materia medica in alphabetical order by common name, followed by Latin botanical name, principal actions, use and dosage. The biological foundations of gemmotherapy, plant constituents, and gemmotherapy treatment protocols are also presented.