Handbook of Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis


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By Leon Hammer & Karen Bilton
Trade paperback book
ISBN 9780939616763
426 pages, 7.00 x 10.00″

This handbook summarizes the key elements of Dr. Hammer’s earlier work, Contemporary Pulse Diagnosis. It is organized in eighteen chapters. The early chapters consider such general issues as terminology, classification of pulse qualities, historical comparisons of positions and depths, and a methodology for taking the pulse. The middle chapters provide an in-depth look at each of the individual pulse qualities, identified by felt sensation based on such characteristics as rate and rhythm, stability, volume, depth, size, and shape. The types of pathology associated with each of the qualities are also discussed.

Later chapters examine the significance of the qualities when found across the entire pulse, or large segments of the pulse, and at different depths. The relationship of the pulse qualities to psychology and prognosis are addressed in separate chapters. The final chapters on interpretation and case histories draw everything together to show how this information can be formulated into a rational diagnosis.

Key information in the book is organized and richly illustrated in over a hundred tables and graphic drawings.

Additional information

Weight 2.00 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 in


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