By Mikio Sankey
Trade Paperback Book
ISBN 9780967063737
Currently being revised 2021-2022
The third book by Dr. Mikio Sankey, Climbing Jacob’s Ladder contains a detailed explanation on how Sacred Geometry is intertwined with acupuncture, Platanic Solids, the Hindu Flower of Life, the Qabbalistic Tree of Life, Hermetic Principles and the Antahkarana. Also discusses how various colors can be used in energy healing. There is a pattern entitled “Climbing Jacob’s Ladder consisting of 28 acupuncture sites.
The third book by Dr. Mikio Sankey, Climbing Jacob’s Ladder contains a detailed explanation on how Sacred Geometry is intertwined with acupuncture, Platanic Solids, the Hindu Flower of Life, the Qabbalistic Tree of Life, Hermetic Principles and the Antahkarana. Also discusses how various colors can be used in energy healing. There is a pattern entitled “Climbing Jacob’s Ladder consisting of 28 acupuncture sites.
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