Acute Care: Managing Common Acute Conditions with Acupuncture -eBook


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By Sandor Levai
Digital Goods, Ebooks

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Sandor Levai’s Managing Common Acute Conditions With Acupuncture provides clear clinical instructions for acupuncturists who need to support their patients’ biomedical treatment. The text explains tried-and-true treatments for fifty-nine common illnesses derived from the classics of Chinese medicine and European clinical experience. These treatments are refined by differential diagnosis and are therapeutically sufficient for patients who do not wish to pursue biomedical treatment. These treatments are effective in combination with biomedical treatment, or in emergency situations where quick, effective treatment has tremendous long term benefit. As an ever-available eBook at only $19.95, this is a highly useful addition to any clinician’s reference library.

The presentation as charts and procedures make reference easy and accurate. One of the best things about Mr. Levai’s work is that it has already proven useful in a variety of clinical settings, witness the following reviews:

Praise for Acute Care: Managing Common Acute Conditions with Acupuncture:

“As a western doctor we have to face many types of pain that cannot be justified by any physical abnormality (e.g.: migraine, irritable bowel disease, moving joint pain, chest pain). By following the advice described in Managing Common Acute Conditions with Acupuncture it is not only possible to stop the pain, but by restoring the normal functioning of the body, it is also possible to prevent the recurrence of further pain.”

-Karoly Joos, MD, Acupuncturist

“I gave this book to a friend of mine along with some dozens of acupuncture needles when he was leaving for a long trip abroad with his family, saying it might come in handy in the case of minor health problems. He is an expert in Qi Kung and the Chinese energetic system. When he returned after a year, he reported they had successfully used the treatments to cure headache, cough, sore throat, and lumbago.”

-Istvan Nemeth, MD, Acupuncturist

“As an internist and acupuncturist I have found this book extremely exciting. To know what I could do in an emergency situation as an internist and to understand and compare what I can do with acupuncture without using technical equipment is very useful. The book not only contains advice for treatment in emergency situations, it also helps us understand the energetic background of the problem.”

-Zsolt Meszaros, MD, Acupuncturist

“I know Levai Sandor personally. I have several times witnessed him successfully treating cases others regarded as incurable From 40-years experience as an acupuncturist and 25 years a long as a lecturer in this field, he has accumulated knowledge from patient practice, teaching students, and the wisdom of classical Chinese books that date back more than 2000 years. If we follow the instructions in Managing Common Acute Conditions With Acupuncture, acupuncture can successfully be applied to treat suddenly occurring complaints and pains. In the case of lumbago, hernial disc, sprain, dislocation and other sport injuries, acupuncture quickly relieves the pain.

This book is a summary of Sándor Lévai’s accumulated knowledge. We can find explanations and treatment advice for many problems ranging from pains, common sicknesses to different types of bleeding.”

-Anna Mezosii, Shiatsu therapist

“Acupuncture is not mainly associated with emergency treatment, however life brings us many situations when the technical and personal conditions of western medicine are not available and acupuncture is a workable solution until medical assistance arrives.”

-Kicsi Vu, Five Elements Dietitian

“My wife and I are long time users of Chinese medicine, massage and occasionally use acupuncture at home to treat common illnesses, or small accidents. Sándor Lavai’s book is an essential resource for the most-needed diagnoses and treatments. I recommend the book to everybody who would be comfortable with performing acupuncture at home”

-Andras Fintor, Thai Chi Expert