By Pamela Ferguson
Trade Paperback Book
ISBN 9780717128709
192 Pages
Take Five helps you tap the roots of an ancient diagnostic system of medical philosophy known as the Law of the Five Elements, based of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and their respective seasons Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The system gives a view of the human being as a microcosm of the universe and is at the heart of our Western training in different forms of Asian medicine.
Take Five shows us how to use the links between the seasonal cycles and our body, moods, foods, colors, imagery, idioms, rituals and much more. It offers deep insight into ways of harmonizing our meridian imbalances when our ki (energy that makes us tick) is congested of sluggish, especially in a polluted world. You do not need a deep knowledge of Asian medicine to enjoy Take Five. Much of the advice will strike familiar chords, allowing you to apply this system to yourself or your family for ongoing good health.
About the Author:
Pamela Ferguson is an international instructor of Zen Shiatsu. She has helped develop shiatsu training in North America, Germany and Switzerland over the last decade and has pioneered shiatsu teaching in a number of hospitals and schools of nursing and physiotherapy. A former London (Fleet Street) journalist, she has written seven books, her last being The Self-Shiatsu Handbook: easy techniques for drug-free pain relief and to improve your own well-being.
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